Discover the Best Fitness App Company: Top 8 Choices

Discover the Best Fitness App Company: Top 8 Choices

The fitness industry is experiencing a significant shift today, where technology and lifestyle are more interconnected than ever.

This change is fueled by the development of advanced fitness apps, which are not just about tracking workouts but creating a holistic health ecosystem for users.

For gym owners, healthcare professionals, and fitness entrepreneurs, finding the perfect fitness app development company can make all the difference.

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4 Top Tips for Post Accident Recovery

4 Top Tips for Post Accident Recovery

If you've been in any type of accident that has caused an injury requiring recovery, you're likely aware that it's a challenging time. Each recovery journey is unique, and the duration can vary. The truth is, no two accidents or injuries are the same, but your approach and how you care for your body during the healing process can significantly influence the quality and speed of your recovery. This means you have the power to play an active role in your recovery, guided by your healthcare team.

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Navigating the Complexities of Veterans' Benefits and Legal Rights

Navigating the Complexities of Veterans' Benefits and Legal Rights

Veterans often face difficulty accessing the benefits they have earned due to its complexity. The benefits landscape is vast and diverse, but many still need to learn about the services available to them. These benefits are designed to support veterans transitioning to civilian life and throughout their lifetime.

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A Guide to Looking After Your Body After Surviving Breast Cancer

A Guide to Looking After Your Body After Surviving Breast Cancer

Surviving breast cancer is a significant milestone, but it also marks the beginning of a new journey toward recovery and maintaining overall well-being. Beyond medical treatments, taking care of your body post-breast cancer is crucial for both physical and emotional healing. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this journey with confidence and care.

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Navigating Traumatic Birth and Injuries: Strategies for Healing and Resilience

Navigating Traumatic Birth and Injuries: Strategies for Healing and Resilience

Bringing a child into the world is often anticipated with joy, but for some, the birth experience can be traumatic, leading to both physical and emotional injuries. Coping with such challenges requires resilience and support. Here's a guide to navigating the aftermath of a traumatic birth and injuries, focusing on healing and recovery.

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Exploring Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Models: A Window into Breast Cancer Complexity

Exploring Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Models: A Window into Breast Cancer Complexity

Breast cancer stands as a formidable health concern, affecting millions worldwide annually. Among its various subtypes, triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) poses unique challenges due to its aggressive nature and limited treatment options. This article will explore the complexities of breast cancer, with a focus on TNBC models, their significance, and the potential avenues they offer for targeted therapies.

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5 Contributing Factors and Causes of Drug Addiction


Across the world, drug addiction is a problem that affects many people, with effects extending to their families and the community. The impacts of addiction are not only on the physical and mental health and relationships of the addicts but also their financial wellbeing. Drug use and addiction are progressive, and there are contributing factors and causes that you should know about. Understanding these factors and causes also influences the decisions and steps an addict or family takes to seek help. 

Mental Health Disorder

People with existing mental disorders have higher chances of engaging in abuse of drugs and developing an addiction. Mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression are more likely to push and turn an individual into an addict. In most cases, an individual with existing mental issues will opt for self-medication and, with time, develop a tolerance leading to addiction. People with existing mental health problems must seek help, especially in the early stages of drug use, before developing an addiction.

Peer pressure

While having friends and loved ones around you is beneficial, some companies can prove harmful to you. If your friends or loved ones engage in drug use, the likelihood of engaging in such activities is higher. With peer pressure, the habits become progressive, meaning that you get hooked and develop an addiction with time. Peer pressure is a significant factor among teens and youth. Individuals who use drugs will also choose to spend time and associate with others with the same behavior. This makes it hard to stop as the pressure and influence are strong. It also becomes hard to seek help when the peer pressure is strong and the need to quit lower.

Prescription Drugs

The risk factor for drug addiction is much higher on prescription drugs because, in most cases, they are addictive. Painkillers, antidepressants, and sedatives are among the prescribed drugs that people use and lead to addiction. Doctors and healthcare practitioners must provide control measures when prescribing addictive drugs to their patients. You should note that when the body develops tolerance to some of these drugs, it becomes easier for an individual to develop an addiction. Prescription drugs can also lead to physical and mental dependence, making it hard for an addict to stop or seek professional help.

Loneliness and Solitude

The relationship you have with your family, friends, and loved ones influences the likelihood of using drugs and developing an addiction. People with reservations and who prefer solitude will consider seeking solace from drugs. If you have a broken relationship with your family or loved ones, the temptation to look for other means of solace, hence engaging in drugs, is there. When you are lonely and out of touch with the social and active world, drugs become your companion, leading to addiction in the process. 

Family and Environment

There is a correlation between family history and drug use. An individual brought up and raised in a family with drug users has a higher chance of emulating that behavior. This is the same when you reside in an environment with drug users. The risk factor is higher in children with drug-addicted parents. If the environment only allows for drug abuse, it is hard for children to see beyond drug use, especially when they don’t go to school or have proper adult guidance. Learn how family and the environment can contribute to drug abuse and addiction and the effective mitigation measures you can take to avoid such cases here

Drug abuse and addiction is a progressive habit and disease that takes time to exhibit. It also takes time before an individual sees the need to seek help and work towards recovery. Understanding the contributing factors and causes of drug addiction makes it easier to identify, seek, or offer help to individuals struggling with drug addiction.

The Link Between Anxiety and Addiction


The link between anxiety and addiction is clear for addiction experts like and others across the nation. There are millions of Americans suffering from both issues. It is estimated that 20 percent of Americans have anxiety, and only 36.9 percent of them will seek treatment for it. Of that 20 percent, many are turning to addiction to cope. Anxiety leads to addiction, and it also leads to relapse after recovery. Learn more about the link between anxiety and addiction here.

The Link Between Anxiety and Addiction

The link between anxiety and addiction is clear. There are millions of addicts in the country, and millions of Americans with addiction, some of those numbers are going to cross over. Anxiety and addiction does not discriminate by age, race, or socioeconomic status. 

There is a difference between general everyday worrying, and clinical anxiety. Clinical anxiety happens when you are worried all the time, even when there is nothing in front of you to worry about. When you reach this level of anxiety, you will have interferences with work, love, social lives, and your overall health.

You may try to take something to calm down or feel better or just ease your nerves a little. When that happens, you are being given an indicator that your anxiety has reached a point of overwhelming you. It may be time to seek help or coping mechanisms for your anxiety.

Coping With Anxiety and Addiction

Coping with both anxiety and addiction to overcome feelings of being overwhelmed will only lead to more feelings of being overwhelmed. The problems become bigger. In a treatment center, you will not only have your addiction and anxiety treated, but you will also develop skills to take home with you.

The biggest sign that you are dealing with anxiety is overall irritability, an inability to sleep, and low levels of concentration. If this happens for over two weeks, and the feelings don't generalize or dissipate, seek coping mechanisms that are healthy.

Sometimes it's just a matter of talking your way through anxiety. An advanced method of this coping tool is called cognitive behavioral therapy. Walk yourself through the end of your worry with the question, what is the worst thing that could happen. You are worried about something, what could happen? In many cases, this exercise shows us that we are worried about fears and not something real that could actually happen.

When you are feeling anxiety and are worried about addiction or relapse, seek coping mechanisms that include support or treatment. Attend a meeting, get involved with your social circle, or seek support methods from your doctor when you are feeling overwhelmed.

Seek Support

If you struggle with anxiety, you are at a higher risk of struggling with addiction. It's happening to millions of Americans right now. You are not alone. There are tools and resources available to help you through this time. Seeking support will minimize your anxiety, and your desire to drink or use drugs that you hope will make the negative feelings and worry go away. You don't have to worry about living alone. It's healthy, and it feels better, to go towards where the support is.

Tips For Fitting Daily Exercise Into Your Schedule


Do you have a hectic schedule that makes it challenging to find time to work out? When you’re stuck at work for hours upon hours each day, fight traffic to get home, all you want to do is relax and rest. However, men like Michael Canzian know the importance of getting daily exercise. Here are tips to help you find time to add some activity to each day.

Change Your Perspective

How you think of exercise makes a significant impact on your overall attitude towards doing it. Think of it as something you want to do, not something you have to do. Think of it as a good choice knowing that you are benefiting your long-term health. When you view it this way, it gives you an internal motivation to get it done. 

Create a Schedule

Sometimes the only way to get in your daily workout is to plan. Figure out a time that works best for you and pencil it into your planner. Whether that means before work, during lunch or after dinner, choose how long you want to exercise and pick a time. When you know that you will do it ahead of time, you can adjust the rest of your day to fit that timing. 

Run When Your Kids Run

If your kids’ activities take up your free time after work, use that opportunity to work out. For example, if they participate in sports at a local park, run or walk the perimeter. If they attend dance or martial arts classes, take a walk around the block. Since your kids are occupied during this time, it’s an excellent way for you to focus on your health and get some steps into your day.

Find a Gym That’s Nearby

If you prefer to work out in a weight room or by taking group classes, then find a gym that is convenient to your location. When it’s close to your home or your job, it makes it much easier to get there for a short sweat each day. 

Keep Extra Clothes Handy

Having a set of workout clothes stashed in your car’s trunk or office locker makes it easy to participate in your scheduled activity. When you provide yourself with all the tools to get it done, there are fewer reasons not to make it happen. 

Getting exercise each day is a priority for long-term health. Follow these tips to help you find a way to get some activity into your daily routine.

Understanding Vascular Dementia and Stroke

Vascular dementia is called vascular dementia because it occurs after a cardiovascular event called a stroke. It is not the most common kind of dementia, but it is still a serious disease that often requires an assisted living facility or home care. In one study, between 9.6 percent and 14.4 percent of people with one stroke suffered from vascular dementia. 


After a recurrent stroke, approximately 29.6 percent to 53.1 percent of people suffered from dementia. This kind of dementia is not any different from other kinds of dementia, other than how it is caused. Learn more about this kind of dementia here.

What Causes Vascular Dementia

Vascular dementia occurs most commonly after the age of 65, with the risk increasing significantly by the age of 90. This disease is caused by a vascular event where blood does not reach the brain in a timely manner. It is an irreversible problem caused by stroke. When a blood vessel has a blockage, blood can not reach the brain. That blockage is often caused by a disease or internal bleeding.

The blood provides important nutrients and oxygen to the brain. When the brain can't get those things, there may be some brain cells that expire. This will cause vascular conditions such as stroke, which will lead to dementia. 

Types of Vascular Dementia

There are two kinds of vascular dementia. They are called cerebral amyloid angiopathy and subcortical dementia. Subcortical dementia is marked by a small vessel problem. In this condition, the small vessels are damaged by stroke and are twisted. This is the problem that will result in less blood flow to the brain.

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a kind of dementia that is caused by a protein problem. The protein is called amyloid. When that protein blocks vessels in the brain, this results in a plaque buildup which slows down brain activity. This can lead to dementia, and is also seen in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Symptoms of Vascular Dementia

The symptoms of vascular dementia are very similar to the symptoms of other kinds of dementia. The patient has a difficulty in making decisions, with planning and organizing being among the most difficult decisions to make. They may also have large motor movement impairment. Their walk or gait may be impacted, and they have a poor balance.

It is impossible to diagnose vascular dementia on its face. A doctor will perform a variety of tests to determine if brain function is different than what it would normally look like after a stroke. However, if you or a loved one have suffered a stroke, and are experiencing vascular dementia symptoms, it could be very possible that there is vascular dementia.

How to Treat Vascular Dementia

There is no one treatment for vascular dementia. It is treated very much the same as other types of dementia. There are slightly more symptoms of vascular dementia than there are in many other kinds of dementia. An assisted living facility may be the best solution for someone with this disease.

Because there may be mobility issues, exercise is not advised unless a doctor has given the okay. Sitting activities such as entertainment, games, and puzzles can help a vascular dementia client.

Get Information on Vascular Dementia Today

Vascular dementia is a disease that impacts those that have had a stroke. It is irreversible, and a tragedy, every time. Contact someone for support if you or a loved one is suffering from vascular dementia.

How to Increase Your Appetite Today

Getting adequate nutrition is essential for every person. A decrease or loss of appetite can be linked to various medical problems, psychological conditions, and aging. It is necessary to consume enough calories and protein to help maintain energy and muscle mass. Losing too much weight too quickly can impact a person’s quality of life and increase their risk of illness. 

If you or someone you care for are underweight, the goal for healthy weight gain is 0.5-2 pounds per week. Consuming 250-500 more calories per day than you usually do can help accomplish this goal. If a medical professional has told you that weight gain is appropriate for you, the tips listed below can help you increase your appetite and achieve a healthy weight. 

1. Eat smaller but more frequent meals

Eating smaller and more frequent meals is an easy way to increase your caloric intake. If you are having trouble remembering to eat, set alarms to remind you of mealtimes. Make sure to stock up on your favorite snacks; it is easier and more enjoyable to eat something you prefer eating. Fruit smoothies or protein shakes are the perfect snacks or small meals that can help give you those nutrients you need because sometimes it is easier to drink than eat. 

2. Eat less fiber

It is commonly known that fiber fills you up quickly due to the fiber digesting slowly. When learning how to increase appetite, it is good to avoid high fiber and low-calorie foods. Look for foods that have no more than 1-2 grams of fiber per serving. Low-fiber foods include peanut butter, eggs, oatmeal, bananas, meats, and tofu. 

3. Eat energy-dense foods

Including more energy-dense food in your diet is a sure-fire way to get the nutrients and calories you need healthily. Foods such as nuts, avocados, hummus, and eggs are high-calorie and nutritious. Eating foods high in fat provides a lot of calories in small quantities. Eating and drinking full-fat foods like whole milk, mayo, and butter can help you add calories without filling up too quickly. 

4. Limit beverages during mealtime 

Limiting beverages to outside mealtime helps prevent you from feeling too full too quickly while eating. Limit drinking to one hour before eating for maximum effect. If you are feeling thirsty at mealtime, skip water and make sure that what you are drinking is high calorie and preferably with nutrients. Smoothies or protein shakes are perfect drinks for adding those extra calories. 

5. Take an appetite stimulant

Sometimes it is not possible to increase appetite through natural means. Appetite stimulants, known as orexigenics, are medications or supplements that help increase appetite. The FDA has approved three medications for appetite stimulants: Megestrol acetate, Oxandrolone, and Dronabinol. Supplements that can increase appetite naturally are zinc for people with a zinc deficiency, vitamin B-1, Omega-3 fatty acids, and bitter herbs like gentian and wormwood.  
Developing healthy ways to increase appetite is vital to avoid the risk of illness and other health complications. It is important to see a medical professional if a loss of appetite persists for more than a couple of days. Diets are extremely individualized, and a medical professional such as a nutritionist or doctor can help develop a tailored plan to fit your lifestyle and needs. 

Meditation And Recovery: Why Consider Meditation

Meditation And Recovery: Why Consider Meditation

During the recovery journey, there are many types of treatment that may be suggested to you. It is important to remember that in recovery, one size does not fit all. Different types of treatment work for different people. In addition to mainstream addiction recovery services, such as those you'll find for detox in Phoenix Arizona,  there are also complementary and alternative approaches. These types of approaches are sometimes referred to as CAM (complementary and alternative approaches to mainstream). Meditation is one such CAM approach to recovery.

What is Meditation?

Many people have a huge misconception about meditation. When you say meditation they automatically think of monks chanting in a temple. Having a good understanding of meditation is the first step in utilizing this tool in your recovery.

Meditation is simply an exercise that helps you focus on connecting your mind and your body. Many people who struggle with addiction also struggle with disconnectedness. There is often a disconnection between their mind, their thoughts, their ideas, and their actions. Taking time each day to focus on better connecting your mind to your body and your actions can have a  tremendous effect on your choices and your life.

During most meditation practices you will find a quiet place free of distractions. You will sit comfortably and simply focus on your breathing, a sound, or even an idea for a certain amount of time. During this time you should focus on not judging yourself. Let thoughts arrive and leave as they like, always returning your focus to your breath. In its most simple form, this is meditation.

How Will Meditation Help Me?

This type of practice helps the individual to focus on their feelings and thoughts of the present moment. You release yourself from the regret of the past. You release yourself from anxiety over the future and you simply sit at this moment with your breath. Over time this practice can help you to accept feelings and thoughts without judgment.

Meditation can help you create a sense of peace and calm in your life. Addiction can sometimes be a result of feelings of loss of control and of pervading chaos. Substance abuse gives individuals a feeling of having a safe place to go to escape. Meditation provides this as well, but without the damaging effects of drugs. Through meditation, you begin to learn that your own inner world is a safe place to be.

In addition to these benefits, meditation has also been shown to have several physical benefits as well.

Additional Benefits of Mediation

Habits and Cravings- A daily meditation practice will give you the opportunity to connect with yourself each day and evaluate the choices you want to make. This is vastly different from the way most people enter their days mindlessly without ever giving their actions and choices real thought. Adding this examination time to your day will, over time, have a dramatic effect on the choices you make concerning habits and cravings.

Sleep- Many people who meditate report having better more restful sleep. This is because you are slowing your thought processes down, which reduces anxiety. Many sleep problems are linked to anxiety.

Improved Mood- As you continue your meditation practice each day, you will begin to feel a sense of being grounded and in better control of your mood and choices. This feeling will affect your mood in general, increasing feelings of confidence and hope.

The road to recovery can be filled with challenges. The best way to overcome these challenges is to have an array of tools you can use. Meditation is one such tool you can add to your recovery process.

Could Bad Posture Be Holding You Back In Business?

There is no easy route to success in business and there are so many things that affect your ability to lead and run a company. Being able to identify the things that hold you back is important, but there are some things that people just don’t consid…

There is no easy route to success in business and there are so many things that affect your ability to lead and run a company. Being able to identify the things that hold you back is important, but there are some things that people just don’t consider, like their posture.

You might not think that your posture has anything to do with your success as a business person, but it actually impacts you in a number of ways. Here’s how your posture could be holding you back in business. 

It Affects Productivity 

Bad posture is a productivity killer but a lot of people don’t even realize it. If you sit at a desk all day long with terrible posture, you’ll probably end up with serious back and neck pain on a daily basis. Over time, this becomes a huge distraction from work and productivity takes a big hit. If you look for quality office chairs for sale online and get some furniture that provides more support, you will be far more comfortable while working and you won’t be distracted by back and neck pain anymore. 

It Makes You Sick 

The odd sick day is unavoidable but if you get sick all the time, this has a big effect on your output. It’s worth speaking to your doctor if you are concerned, but you should consider the role that posture has to play. Things like poor circulation and digestive issues, for example, have been linked to poor posture. Although posture alone isn’t likely to cause serious illness, you will feel healthier overall if you focus on fixing your posture. When you are in good health, you will be the best business owner you can be.

You Appear Less Confident 

Confidence is so important in business. If you are pitching to investors or meeting with clients, a confident demeanor gives them more faith in the business as a whole. But if you appear reserved and apprehensive, you give out the wrong impression and that can be a detriment to your business. People that are confident stand tall and proud, so even if you are confident, poor posture makes you look as if you aren’t. If you want people to take you seriously, it’s important that you fix your posture right away. 

How Can You Improve Your Posture?

If you are concerned about your posture and how it could be affecting your business, there are a few things you can try. Firstly, set up your desk properly with an ergonomic chair and desk.  

Secondly, you should be more aware of your posture throughout the day and make an effort to correct it if you feel yourself slouching. It feels a bit unnatural at first if you are used to sitting with bad posture but, eventually, your posture will improve. You can also try out these simple stretches to loosen up the muscles and straighten the spine. 

Your posture makes more difference than you think, so if you want to be a better business leader, you should pay attention to it. 

How Entrepreneurs Can Reduce Their Stress Levels


There’s much to love about being an entrepreneur, but there’s no denying that it’s far from a walk in the park. Nobody gets into the entrepreneurial game because it’s relaxing. While a little bit of stress can be a good thing because it can help push your business forward, too much stress can have a negative effect -- on your company, your health, and your loved ones. As such, it’s important that you’re taking steps to keep your stress levels to a minimum. Easier said than done? Sure, but there are things you can do that’ll help. We take a look at some of the best tips below.

Clear Vision

Stress levels typically rise when it feels like you’re not in control. When it’s your business, you’d think that you’d always have a grip on things, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, it can feel like you’re just clutching at straws, and hoping that something will stick. This approach, of course, is far too loose -- and it won’t be any surprise if you begin to feel a little intimidated by your business venture. Instead, look at developing a clear vision, an idea of where you want to take your company. While the day to day operations might feel random at times, at least you’ll know that you’re working on reaching a specific spot. It’s a much better approach than just working and hoping that things somehow come together!

Simplify Offerings

As well as figuring out where you want to get to, think about the products and services you’ll be selling that’ll get you there. When we’re just getting our business started, we will usually have more ideas than we can handle -- yet we put them into practice anyway, because a good idea is a good idea! But the more you offer, the more you’ll have to do, and the more stressful things will be. Instead, it can sometimes be better to simplify your offerings so that, rather than offering plenty of different products and services, you’re just offering a couple of things. You’ll find that it’s much easier to do one or two things extremely well, rather than ten things just kind of well.

Hiring Help

One problem that many entrepreneurs have is that they want to do everything themselves. There are reasons for doing so, such as saving money and feeling in control. However, it often turns out to be not as good an approach as they thought, because if you’re doing everything yourself,’re doing everything!

It can pay to bring a couple of staff members on board. They’ll help to lighten your load and bring their own ideas to the table. If you’re going to do this, then it’s important that you’re, first, hiring correctly, and second, letting them get on with their job. The benefits of hiring an employee will be severely reduced if you’re micromanaging them every step of the way. 

Outsourcing Tasks

Of course, it’s not as if you’ll be able to hire a person for every task that you’ve got to complete. Far from it. And what’s more, is that the tasks you don’t hire for can often be the ones that induce the most number of headaches. Take your IT systems for example. You need them to work well if you’re going to run your business efficiently, yet if you don’t have the expertise needed to handle it, then you’ll likely find that your IT infrastructure just adds to your stress levels. As such, it can be worthwhile looking at outsourcing the task. A company like Xamin Managed IT Services can ensure that all your tech needs are being met, which will allow you to simply get on with your all-important tasks. There’s no reason to wrestle with cables and network systems when there are other companies out there that can help you. 

Managing the Day

It’ll be normal for stress levels to rise if it feels like you’re continually overwhelmed by tasks all day, every day. But this is always going to happen unless you’ve taken the time to structure your day effectively. It sounds simple (because it is), but just having a list of the things you want to achieve throughout the day can help to keep your stress levels manageable. And there’s no doubt that it can be highly satisfying to cross things off your list! 

Hit the Ground Running

If you’re prone to procrastinate (and many people are), then you’ll know just how stressful it can be to feel as if you’re wasting time when you should really be getting things done. While there are many causes of procrastination, one of the more common causes is that the person isn’t quite in the right mindset to get back.

If you’re feeling a little tired and unfocused, then you’ll move slowly, and fail to get as much work done as you’d like. One way to get around this issue is to hit the ground running. Wouldn’t be it less stressful if you knew you were going to get into the groove of work as soon as you hit the office? It sounds like a pipedream, but it is possible. It’s all about starting the day right. If you have a morning where you rise early, eat well, and perhaps go for a short run and take a cold shower, then you’ll feel a level of alertness that can be worth its weight in gold. 

Daily Relaxation

Even those people who think that they’ve got their stress levels under control can find themselves with high levels of stress, over time. Little moments of stress can creep up on us and create a pretty big problem if they’re not taken care of. One way to handle this issue is to look at ways to build relaxation into your day, even if you don’t feel like you need it. You’ll find that a focused approach to relaxation can help to keep things manageable and keep stress at a distance over a long period.

How to Work from Home without Losing Your Mind


Before the days of COVID-19, some entrepreneurs may have worked from home and some may have been working from home full-time. But now for most, working from home has become the norm.

Beyond the obvious necessities like a reliable computer, stable internet connection, and access to IT support using app discovery for technical hiccups, mastering the art of working from home demands a deeper understanding of productivity, mental well-being, and work-life balance.

How we can navigate this new way of working? Here are a handful of tips from some of today’s most successful entrepreneurs who have mastered it.

“A routine you can stick to is absolutely vital in the remote workspace. However, having a routine doesn’t mean you have to be chained to your desk—or that you have to stick to the same nine to five schedule you may have followed in an office. Celebrate the freedom that comes from working from home. Schedule breaks to work on a hobby, or go for a run in the middle of the day. You might not have chosen to work from home, but the transition (even if it’s temporary) will be easier if you can see the benefits that come from a home office and not just the challenges.”

Teresa Douglas, co-author of "Working Remotely: Secrets to Success for Employees on Distributed Teams"

“My best work from home tip is to leave your phone out of your space. I used to keep my phone right next to me in my home office and it didn't seem like it was affecting me. However, one day I counted how many times I looked at the phone and it was about 75 times. I was blown away to think that the phone was affecting my day soo much. Now, I leave my phone in the front room, and while I feel cut off from the
world, the truth is that I have become about 50% more productive and can get things done much faster.”

 Sa El, Co-Founder of Simply Insurance 

“Keep an eye on the culture—by understanding that culture is not tied to a place but, instead, to your people, you can focus your efforts to ensuring that whatever defined your company before this crisis will continue to carry you through it. For us at Epperly Travel, even though we were already a virtual company, we have used this time to turn back toward our mission statement and lean into the values we embody even more, which gives us purpose and fulfillment to work toward even when our products and services are temporarily on hold.”

Lindsey Epperly Sulek, Founder + CEO,

“Have a definite start and stop time. This is really important so you don't end up working from the minute you wake up until the minute you go to bed. This was really hard for me to implement at first (as I'm very much a workaholic), but setting these boundaries where I no longer to any work after a certain time has really helped.”

AmyFoley, Co-founder, Inbound Back Office,

“A simple, and important practice when working from home is to get up and stretch on a regular basis. We are all practicing social distancing and safety/shelter in place at our homes, but we need to be able to get up and move in order to get our blood flowing and boost endorphins. Go for a short walk around the neighborhood, sprint up and down the stairs in your home, stretch to a yoga video on YouTube, and throw on some fun songs on Spotify for a dance party. Move to alter your mood and get in a quick workout!”

Deborah Sweeney, CEO,

“Be clear about your availability with your managers. If you have a small child at home and your shift is 10am—6pm, then let your boss in on it. If you are caring for a sick parent and your availability is 5am—2pm, share that with your manager. We are all juggling multiple responsibilities now more than ever.”

Marika Andersson, Operations Manager, Ax3 Studios,

“Make sure your chair and desk height are congruent. If you sit in an uncomfortable position for too long, you will end up with back and neck problems that will only get worse over time. This is especially a problem when working at a kitchen counter or somewhere not designed for desk work.”

Nika Lawrie, Health + Wellness Advocate, Coach, Business Strategist, and Founder + CEO, Insurgo Creative, LLC,

How to Stay Mentally Strong When You’re Physically Unwell

How to stay mentally strong

Coping with a physical illness or injury can be emotionally draining, particularly if you’re running a business and dealing with a chronic condition at the same time. As well as accessing treatment for your physical ailments, it’s essential to focus on your mental health too. With these handy tips, you can stay strong mentally while you enhance your physical health and avoid burnout in your business.

Try meditation

Meditation and mindfulness can be a great way to cope with whatever life throws at you. Proven to relieve stress and anxiety, engaging in daily meditation or mindfulness sessions can help you to feel stronger and more optimistic. Even if you have a long road to recovery ahead of you, maintaining a positive attitude can help you to cope with the symptoms of illness or injury, and juggle your business life at the same time.

Take control of your recovery

When you’re dealing with physical health issues, it’s easy to feel out of control. When you’re waiting for doctor’s appointments or test results, for example, you may feel at the mercy of the medical profession. By taking charge of your recovery, however, you can arm yourself with knowledge and feel more empowered than ever before. 

Learning more about your condition or injury will enable you to access the best treatment. What’s more – researching the medical options available could lead you to the best doctors and clinicians. Being your own advocate can be time-consuming and tiring, so ask a trusted family member or friend to provide support. 

Being your own advocate can be time-consuming and tiring, so ask a trusted family member or friend to provide support.  While doing this, remember to factor in other crucial elements like health insurance. This empowers you to take control of your recovery by providing financial support and access to necessary medical services. However, it’s equally vital to make an informed decision when selecting a plan, and reading some recent PHP agency reviews can be instrumental in this process. These reviews offer insights into the experiences of individuals who have used or evaluated health insurance offerings. 

Seek legal advice

If you’ve suffered harm because of an incident that wasn’t your fault, it can be difficult to cope with the feelings of frustration you’ll experience. When accidents occur because of someone else’s negligence or recklessness, it can be even harder to adjust to long-term health problems or lengthy recovery plans. 

By seeking legal advice, you can determine whether you’re eligible to take action following an injury or illness. As well as obtaining financial compensation, making a successful claim will ensure you get the justice you deserve. For many people, this validation helps them to stay mentally strong while they’re dealing with the aftermath and gives them something to focus on while they are receiving medical treatment. 

Find natural forms of pain relief

When you’re physically unwell, you can experience a significant amount of pain and discomfort. Often, people rely on pharmaceuticals to alleviate their symptoms and these can be extremely effective. However, strong painkillers and other medications can leave you feeling sluggish or lethargic, which can make it harder for you to do the important day to say stuff like running your business. 

If you want to try and avoid taking high doses of medication, talk to your clinical team about natural alternatives. With physical therapy or yoga, for example, you may be able to speed up your recovery and decrease your reliance on prescription medication. 

Strengthening Your Mind

Keeping your mind active when your body needs rest isn’t always easy but it’s certainly worthwhile. If you feel able to focus on hobbies or develop new interests, you’ll find it easier to cope with long periods of inaction while you recover from your physical injuries or illnesses.