How you can boost productivity when managing an outsourced team


As many successful entrepreneurs will tell you, you shouldn’t try and do everything yourself, but instead, concentrate on the things you are good at and hire other people to do the rest. While outsourcing is probably the best way to go about things, the temptation to try and do some things yourself to keep costs down can be very strong.

However, by effectively managing those outsourced staff, you can cut down the amount of time you need them and improve their effectiveness at making your brand more successful. This approach will save on costs, increase revenue and positively affect your bottom line.

Problems communicating using email

Due to the nature of freelancers, this can be easier said than done. It is often the case that the best person for the job (or at least the most cost-effective) can be in a different time zone from both you and the other members of the team you have put together. Sending an email to check on progress can have a 36 hour turnaround time, which is only possible if no clarification is needed.

These delays can add days to your schedule and hold up other freelancers waiting on work, which in turn will increase expenses or risk team members leaving your project to pursue other commitments.

One way of working around such bottlenecks is to use project management software to oversee the project and spot any problems more effectively. However, you can only achieve this level of efficiency if the software is used correctly, not just as a glorified to-do list.

Project management software

If you use the software correctly, allocating tasks according to the deadlines you agreed, and then you can make these visible for all to see. By doing this, you can create a spirit of interdependence that can only help your project.

Working this way can also avoid the confusion caused by the fact that some of the tasks you have allocated across your team have to run concurrently, while others will depend on somebody completing the previous task.

Trying to manage all of this by email communication is a recipe for disaster. Your freelancers will have no idea about what they need to do and what else needs to happen first. However, as the best project management applications use Gantt Chart Software, they can easily visualize what you require them to do.

Check on progress and reallocate tasks

This overview can also highlight where you made better choices in picking your freelancers and where you might need to reassign some tasks. Working this way is a better solution than finding late in a project that one of your team hasn’t done what was required and caused the project to overrun.

With so many pieces in this particular puzzle, problems can be more complicated to resolve than if everybody is working for you full time. However, with many projects needing specialist staff for short periods, hiring freelancers is usually the most cost-effective solution. Using project management software to coordinate them through their tasks and across various timezones can turn a challenging project into a successful one.

How to Make your New Business Product a Success

Launching a new product? One way for you to guarantee success would be for you to perfect your development process. If you don’t know how to do that then take a look below.

Target Customer Pain points

If you want to survive, then your start-up needs to relieve any customer pain points. If you don’t solve a problem, then you may find it hard to help them and really give them what they are looking for. This is the last thing that you need, but if you take your time and make sure that you analyze their behavior then you will soon find that it is easier than ever before for you to give them the support they need.

New Product Development

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)


When you understand your customer’s needs, you can then start to create a vision. Find out what features are most likely to appeal to your business customers and also work on a prototype. When you do this, you can then figure out if your idea is viable, how easy your product is to use and even the price you are hoping to get per sale.

Test your Idea with your Customers

You have to give the prototype to your customers and you also need to observe how they use it. Keep track of how many customers like your product, what they would change and what they are hoping to have added. When you do this, you can then help to make your product everything you hoped it would be while also being given the chance to prove or disprove the hypotheses you made. If you believe that your product is lackluster, then now is the time for you to go back to the drawing board and find out if there is anything that you can do to change whatever you need before you invest too much money.


You have to make sure that your manufacturing process is absolutely on-point. This could involve investing in custom load cells or even a digital system. If you don’t then you may find that you are never as efficient as you could be, or that you end up making more mistakes as you go along.

Outperform your Competition

If your start-up has any hope of making money, then you need to relieve your customer’s pain points better than your competition. Success often attracts imitators, and if they are doing a better job than you then your customers will have no problem using their service over yours.


If your results are far better than you expected, then you will be able to gain a high level of market share. If your results are lower than expected, then you need to learn from your mistakes and you also need to keep testing until you get what you were hoping for. If you launch your product thinking that a worldwide customer base will fix your problems, then you are sadly mistaken. Any errors that are found in the prototype will then be put on a show for the world to see and this can give people a bad impression of your company.