3 Ways To Expand And Diversify A Courier Business

Owning a courier business is a pretty good position to be in right now. Online shopping is bigger than ever, and somebody needs to deliver all of those parcels. However, a lot of the big eCommerce companies like Amazon are moving over to a different model.

They handle their own deliveries, using drivers that they source through their own app, using a similar model to Uber or Deliveroo. If more businesses start to adopt this model, that could mean that there is a lack of work in a market that is saturated with courier companies. 

Courier business

Image From Pixabay CCO License

However, if you can find ways to diversify and grow your courier company, you can survive and ensure that you always have plenty of work. If you are looking for ways to expand your courier company, these are the best ways to do it. 

Offer New Delivery Methods 

Delivering parcels is a great way to keep the business ticking over and it’s probably where most of your revenue comes from. But if you want to protect yourself, you should start offering more services. For example, this commercial 3/4 ton truck is a great fleet choice because it means that you can take heavier loads that a lot of courier companies are unable to handle.

Being able to take delivery that other rivals in the area don’t have the capacity for is a big bonus for you. You could also specialize in certain high-value items that need extra care. Packaging and delivering art, for example, is a great specialist service that will open up new markets for you. Finding these new delivery methods to offer will expand your reach and offer you some protection if the work from e-Commerce begins to dry up a little. 

Invest In A Larger Fleet 

A lot of courier companies find that, even though things are going well, they hit a plateau. There are only so many parcels you can deliver with the number of vehicles that you have, and when you hit that limit, there is nowhere else you can really go. That’s why it may be a good idea to invest in a larger fleet and start expanding. However, it’s important that you only do this if you can get enough new customers to make the investment worthwhile. Make sure that you put some money into promoting the business both online and offline, so you can bring in enough revenue to justify investing in a larger fleet. 

Move To A Different Area 

The area that you operate in has a big impact on the success of your courier business. It makes sense that a courier in a big city is going to get more work than one that works in the middle of nowhere. If there is a lack of work where you are and you are struggling to find any new customers, you may benefit from a move. Do some market research on a few nearby cities and see whether there are any opportunities there. 

These are all good ways that you can expand your courier business and ensure that you have enough varied revenue streams to protect yourself in the future.

Are You Edging Out The Competition?

Beating the competition

As a business, it’s important to keep track of the industry you’re part of and try to figure out just how you fit there. Of course, there’s room for multiple businesses in one industry, but it’s also important to note that every business that occupies your particular specialty is one more added to the pool of potential competitors. This means that finding means to edge out, or at least more than contend with the said competition is essential.

Some firms invest all they can in trying to edge out the competition. For instance, stock trading firms will often shift their entire office to new locations in order to shave milliseconds from the latency of their trading platform connectivity, potentially allowing them to trade with quicker results. You needn’t become so overbearing in your attempt to resolve these issues, but it can be worthwhile to adopt at least the basic spirit of this behavior.

First, you need to assess just where you may increase your competitiveness. Second, you must consider if investing in this process is worth it to you. Third, if going forward, adopting the best approach requires careful planning and practice. We have some advice for that below:

Excellent IT & Fast Networks

Of course, while our prior example was hyper-specific, it’s certainly important to see if you have your own worthwhile IT system up and running. If not, this should be one of the places you consider improving. Thankfully, you needn’t be the most experienced tech-wizard to establish a top of the line digital infrastructure. For instance, ITsupportboston.us is known for excellent service regarding almost any managed IT approach you could need, and using outsourced services like this could herald a dramatic improvement in your tech ability.

Securing Your IP 

Securing your IP can also be an extremely worthwhile approach. By using vital cybersecurity techniques, ensuring a need-to-know access level when protecting your important documents, and using patents or copyright law to protect your intellectual property can be very important. If you’re unable to protect your vital business ideas, inventions, and projects, you can be sure that they will be leaked at best, or stolen at worst. This means that investing time ensuring best practice within your firm can be a golden idea.

Valiant Networking

It’s very important for a business to remain a present force within its industry, and you can achieve that through solid yet effective networking. No matter who you are, it’s not hard to see just how this approach can be used for your benefit. By attending business expositions, meeting at business conventions, giving talks at local colleges, or even curating recruitment drives in said locations, you will be able to meet new people, gain the talent, and remain a solid part of your local industry. This will not only help you feel connected to those around you, but it will also increase how familiar people are with your brand.

With this advice, you’re sure to edge out the competition in the best possible manner.

8 Simple Pieces Of Advice For First Time Buyers


When you’re looking to get on the property ladder, you’ll likely be feeling both excited and perhaps a little stressed. The process can take a little time, and arrive with both great successes and (sometimes) a few setbacks! The key is to get good and organized with a solid action plan. For some simple steps for your to-do-list, these eight should set you straight. 

1 . Determine your budget

A solid budget is crucial before you start shopping around as you need to determine exactly what you can afford and what is your ideal price range. Going in without a strict budget makes it difficult to assess whether you will be taking on a comfortable financial situation with your purchase. 

Apart from your monthly mortgage payments, there are others costs to be considered. You’ll also want to draw up a budget for all other expenses associated with buying your home. For example, think about your building's insurance and the costs of any furnishings you might need to begin with. There will also be the costs of the solicitor and the survey. Besides this, you’ll likely need to pay a removal company to move your belongings from a to b. 

2 . Seek mortgage advice

As a first time buyer, it’s a good idea to speak to a mortgage adviser who can help you to determine how much you will be able to borrow. A mortgage advisor will seek to gain a clear picture of any outstanding debts plus your income and your deposit. To get started on your own, try a free mortgage calculator to gauge an approximate figure to work with. 

3. Prep your documents

Before you take on the mortgage application process, you need to gather all of the appropriate documents that you’ll need. You’ll need detailed proof of your income, bills, outgoings, and your debts too. While you're at it, it’s a good idea to get your check your credit report to see that everything is in order and correct. Bad credit does not necessarily mean you’ll fail to get yourself a mortgage, but it’s a good idea to know where you stand anyway.

4. Research the neighborhood 

Perhaps it’s the case that you are considering a few different neighbourhoods? If so, it’s vital to spend enough time in each and every one. Check out the schools, if appropriate, and spend time in the areas experiencing the amenities and the atmosphere. Read about the neighborhood online—find out if it’s up and coming or slightly in decline. Look at the average prices so that you’ll know what to expect. Remember, you’re not just buying a home; your buying into the whole neighborhood as a community and a lifestyle. If it’s not a place that you like and feel at home, you won’t be able to fully appreciate the property. When finding a dream home is your new year’s resolution, you won’t want to choose the wrong neighborhood.

5. Start saving early

When you’re looking to buy, it’s a good idea to start saving as early as possible. You may not think you’re ready to buy yet, but time-flies and it’s preferable to put down a larger deposit. If you’re someone who finds it hard to save, try making use of a budgeting app to help you out. Mint is an excellent financial app that can track all of your accounts, spending, investments, and debts all in one place. Once you’ve provided Mint with all of your financial information, the app provides you with a workable budget for each category. 

When you can see a detailed picture of your spending, it’s easier to make adjustments and therefore-savings. The app also offers you a free look at your credit score (always handy for those looking to buy)! Ideally, you’ll want to save a down payment of at least 20%; however, lower down payments can still land you a favorable mortgage. 

6. Find the right realtor 

Finding the right realtor is crucial for first-time buyers. You’ll want to prioritize those with a wealth of experience and an excellent reputation. Don’t be tempted to go for the first or most convenient option you're presented with. Take your time, and shop around until you find the perfect match. It can be useful to look to friends and family in your local area for advice. Often, recent buyers may be able to offer advice on the best realtor options around. Failing this, see if you can find any reviews online about the realtors who you are considering. When you meet with each one, be sure to ask about their successes and experience—to get a clear idea. 

7. List your must-haves

Before you start looking for homes, you’ll need to list your must-haves; the non negotiable things that you require in a home. Perhaps the number of bedrooms is particularly important?

Is it essential that you have a garden? It could be that you want an energy-efficient home or a property within walking distance of a train station? Whatever your requirements are, it’s vital to make a detailed list of what you need and what you are looking for before you start the process. Going in with a clear idea of what you want makes the procedure much less stressful!

8. Remain patient

Lastly, patience is really important when it comes to buying a property. It can take a little time to get through each stage of the procedure. What’s more, it’s normal to get beaten on offers or find places that just aren’t what you are looking for. Try to enjoy the process and see the wait as a positive in finding a property that’s just right.

First-time buyers looking for further advice would be well advised to look to sites like Altrua Financial. Here you’ll find some excellent info and services for first-time buyer mortgages. It’s important to find the right kind of company who can talk you through the fine print and who are committed to offering you the lowest rate that they can.


How to start a business

As with any business, there are advantages and disadvantages of starting your own home inspection business. Here are a few things to think about if you are thinking of starting a company that inspects homes for any issues that need repairing.


·       Be your own boss

Being your own boss can be amazing in many ways. You can choose the days you work so that you can achieve a perfect work-life balance. This can be especially helpful if you have a family as you are able to choose hours that will work around all the responsibilities that come with being a parent.

·       You can start big or small

Home inspection businesses often begin at home, so it is perfectly viable for your business to start off small. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes when you begin a home inspection business, such as studying to get certified to complete a home inspection report, so being able to do this from the comfort of your own home is definitely an advantage. Beginning small also means that there is little start-up cash needed, and you only need a few tools, to begin with, and over time, you can grow your kit as you begin to make larger profits.

·       Learn in spare time

Due to online home inspection programs, you have the ability to be in control of the pace at which you learn. This gives you the ability to learn in your own time, which means that you can continue to work full-time if needed whilst working towards improving your future.

·       Perform an important service

A home inspection business can be fulfilling on a personal level as you are able to help people within your community. As a home inspector, you are able to answer questions that the average homeowner would not know, which gives you the opportunity to educate your customers. This is fulfilling as you are not only helping them to find their new home, but you are also giving them the ability to build their own knowledge. Knowing you’ve helped someone is very rewarding.

·       There is lots of money to be made

This industry can turn over a significant profit before you know it! Unlike other businesses, you shouldn’t have to wait years for your business to return the money that you have invested in it as the home inspection business can grow a lot quicker than other industries. This means it may not be as risky as starting up a firm in a different sector.

·       New techniques and certifications always happening

There are always chances to increase your knowledge of the ever-changing policies that come with being a home inspector. Not only is it healthy to improve your knowledge, but it also gives you the opportunity to stand out against your competitors if you have a wider and more up-to-date breadth of information.

·       Every day is different

You spend most of your life at work, and if you do the same thing every single day, it will soon become monotonous and boring. With a home inspection business, every day is different. This can ease the burden of having to get up and out of bed every morning.


·       Industry standards vary

Regulations and other industry standards vary in different areas, neighborhoods, and states. This means you will have to update your education as well as your knowledge of policy changes and new requirements in the industry. For example, if you were to move, you may have to re-register with another state. This can be a hassle as you may have to become certified all over again. However, your skills as a home inspector will always be relevant, so training again shouldn’t be a problem.

·       The market is saturated

This means there is a lot of competition out there. You will have to work hard to stand out from the competition. With some companies, they will have devoted clients and more experience, so it might be harder to compete against them. However, as long as you work hard to create a good reputation and a recognizable brand, you can still succeed.

·       There is a lot of pressure to get it right

As with all industries, the stakes are high in a home inspection business. After all, people are paying you to get it right. One mistake, and you might be looking at a large lawsuit. However, don’t let this put you off because as long as you are insured, the burden can be taken from your shoulders if things are missed or mistakes are made. There are risks in every business, so don’t let them stop you from pursuing your goals.

If you are looking at starting a business, here are some great ideas for teens or anyone on a shoestring budget. These business ideas are easy to start, do not require a lot of upstart capital, and can be done from anywhere. They are a perfect opportunity even if you are looking at adding a side hustle to your full-time job.

Simple Strategies To Boost Your Chances Of Business Success

FemFounder Business Strategies

No one goes into business intending to be unsuccessful. However, many people do experience times when profit is so lean that they almost go under. Of course, any successful business person will aim to avoid such failures and maximize their chance for success. A topic you can get some advice on in the post below.

Hire the right people 

One way to maximize your chances for business success is to make sure that you hire the right people for the job. Now, this is something that can be considerably more complicated than most people first think. 

In fact, you have to satisfy the legal requirements such as permits to work. You will also need to make sure that the people you choose to interview have the right skills and attitude. 

Additionally, knowing about their personality and how they can work can be very useful too. The reason being that this can help you assign tasks and put them in the right teams. It can even help you to manage them in the way that most effectively promotes your business and will make it a success. 

Have a robust plan 

Directionless businesses rarely succeed. In fact, if you want to maximize your opportunity for success, you will need a clear and robust business plan. 

With that in mind, be sure that you have contingency plans in place in case any part of your original aims do not work out. Then you can be sure to progress your business, even if things don't always go your way. A situation that is more than common in the business world, and which you will need to adapt to if you are to succeed. 

Invest in yourself as a leader 

For your business to be as successful as you would like, you absolutely need to be an effective leader. Happily, this is a skill that you can develop just like any other. In fact, many leaders build up their capabilities by starting in mid-management positions and gaining experience there. 

Additionally, some choose to do things like this online MBA degree program while working. This being an opportunity that allows them to work on their business skills in a community of peers. Something that can help them become a very effective leader indeed. 

Diversify your income streams

You may have heard the phrase 'putting all your eggs in one basket' before. Of course, it relates to banking your chances of success on one single thing. Something that in business can be a terrible idea indeed. 

In fact, if you want to boost the chances of your business succeeding, you need to diversify your income streams. That is you need to have additional ways of creating revenue than just your primary purpose.

The advantage of this being that even if the market does fail, or you encounter unexpected issues, you will still have other streams of income flowing in. Something that can help to continue to make your business viable and boost its opportunity for success in the long term. 


Did you create a business plan for your creative venture? If so, how long did you take you? What does it entail? If not, don't fret! You still have time to create one before the new year is here!

Your business plan doesn't need to be a formal 75-page document, but rather a one-pager that outlines how your business operates and plans for future growth.

If you're like most creative entrepreneurs, putting together a business plan can seem overwhelming and (even unnecessary in some cases). However, if you want to have a successful business this new year, then you need to have a plan of action.  

Be sure to ask yourself these questions before writing your next business or marketing plan! 

To help make the task less tedious, I'm going to show you how to create a simple yet complete business plan that you can create in an hour or less.

First, let's look at what business plan is and why you need one.  

A business plan is an overview of your business and generally, contains the following sections (each of these sections can be summed up in a paragraph or less). And you primarily need one because it serves as a roadmap for your business's future.

Business Overview and Value Proposition

Describe your business in one sentence. What makes your business different from all of your competitors? Remember, your business doesn't have to be completely innovative to be different, but it does need to be unique in some way.

Problem and Solution

What problem does your business solve or what gap does it fill? Why is there a need for your business? Explain the problem and solution in a paragraph or less.

Products and/or Services

What products or services does your business offer? What is the price range? How will your products/services be different from all of the competition? 

Target Markets

Who is your core customer? Include age, gender, occupation, household income, location, hobbies, and lifestyle (and whatever else is necessary to define your core customer).

Marketing Activities

How will you market your business? Will you use digital advertising, influencer marketing, public relations, social media marketing, SEO, blogging, guest blogging, podcasts, etc? 

Sales Distribution

How will you sell your products? What channels do you plan to use? Will you sell online or in retail? 


Who is the boss? What are this person's qualifications? Who are the rest of the managers?

Financial Projections

How much money do you need to start your business? What will your salary be? What are the operating expenses?

Did you create a business plan for your creative venture? How long did it take? Share your comments in the section below.

Ready to craft your business plan for your creative startup?

Sign up below to find out the six critical questions you need to ask yourself before launching your business.